Our Understanding Termination videos and factsheets are unique because we have taken the time to address this specific type loss and to support people like you who have experienced this. We believe that termination is a loss just like others, and as such, we need to accept it as that.
At Children of Jannah, we help people who have suffered a similar loss as you – including those who have had a termination. We wanted to help by giving them the support and understanding that they need, in a way that is unique to the loss of termination.
We decided to take action and bring you these resources so that you can find what you need, when you need it.
Lifetime Access
You’ll have Lifetime Access to the Membership portal - meaning you can use the resources whenever and wherever you like, as long as you retain your subscription – because we know grief has no timetable.
24/7 Availability
You'll get 24-hour access to the members area, 7 days a week on any device to have the piece of mind you crave.
Training Videos
You’ll get access to Training Videos on understanding termination - so that you are able to understand the experience of termination and why the loss you have suffered is significant.
Downloadable Factsheets
You’ll also be able to download Factsheets on Understanding Termination, available to read when you are ready.
Real Stories
You can hear and read real stories from real people who have experienced termination. So you can realise that you are not alone and that you do not have to feel isolated.
Private Forum
We’ll also give you access to a Private Parents Online Group with people who have suffered termination. So you can access support from other parents from around the world in a similar situation to yours and lean on each other as you come to terms with your loss.
Exclusive Community
Our exclusive community means you can get support from other parents from around the world in a similar situation to yours.
FAQs Hub
You'll be able to access our ever-increasing hub of FAQs, answered by scholars and specialists in the area of child bereavement.
And you’ll receive access to the latest termination of pregnancy resources when they become available - giving you peace of mind that we are here for you in the future, whenever you need us.