Discover how you can move through your grief to a life of peace and acceptance.



Have you suffered a stillbirth or know someone who has?

My deepest condolences go out to you for your devastating loss.

Do you feel like no-one truly understands what it’s like to have a child stillborn?

Do you feel totally heartbroken to have carried a baby in your womb through a complete pregnancy, but who was then born lifeless?

Has the joy and excitement of conceiving your baby turned into shock and numbness after your baby was stillborn?

Do you wish someone could just help you? Reach out to you with understanding?

Then please pay close attention to my next few words, because we are here to help you.

Hi, my name is Hafizah Ismail.


I am the founder of Children of Jannah.



If you feel like no-one understands your sorrow, the grief you are going through, the mourning for your child, I can relate to that. Because my family suffered the devastating loss of a child and I know how traumatic that loss can be. It brings you to your knees, in shock and disbelief and absolute pain and misery, I know.

Absolute Turmoil

When my nephew died, my family was in absolute turmoil.

And I suspected that there were many other families out there consumed in their grief and with no-one to help them.

But I just didn’t know how to go about tackling this issue and provide them with the support and relief that they so desperately needed.

Get Over It

Society, and everyone around me, always said that grief was something personal, that people would get over their grief in time and it was better to leave bereaved parents alone.

And in terms of stillbirth - there were also so many different opinions and judgements about stillbirth – on how to talk about it, how not to talk about it and what it means for you, the parent. 

Yes of course there is a huge amount of sympathy but beyond that, not much more – because it isn’t something that we speak about openly, we leave parents who have had a baby stillborn alone and we don’t encourage them to talk.

Heart-wrenching Sorrow

Did you know that 3500 babies are stillborn each year in the UK?  

Sadly, you are not alone and stillbirth is far too common.

A stillbirth is so shocking, so devastating. 

The desperation, the despondency and the deep heart-wrenching sorrow are a grief like no other. 

We know this, we understand and this is why we want to help you to understand what has happened and how you can learn to find life again after your tragic loss.

Over the next few minutes Iā€™m going to reveal... we can help bereaved parents like you.
You will discover that there is a chance of another, brighter day – there is a hand reaching out to you with understanding.
You don’t have to feel alone anymore.
Finally I will show you how you can make that first step on your journey today.

Change Your Life

The information I am going to share with you can change your life. It can give you a life again after the stillbirth of your much longed for baby ā€“ a life that doesnā€™t forget them but a life that honours their soul.

Your Child Is Still Your Child

Gathering your strength, carrying on, it may seem so difficult, it may feel like you can’t do it and there is no point anymore.

But this is something you owe to yourself and your child.

Because your child is still your child and they need you to remember them but also to live your life for them.

And for every moment that goes past without the right support in place for you, without someone to talk to who truly understands not just your faith but your experience - is a moment too long in pain.

Could You Bear It?

If that seems too much to bear, then think of this: the pain of missing your child that you are feeling, what if it doesn’t go away?

What if it doesn’t ever ease up?

And it continues to bubble away inside, taking all your strength and spirit.

Could you handle that? Could you bear it?

Constant pain, every present but always taking you by surprise with its power.

Even though it may seem hard now, if you don’t take action, if you don’t allow us to help you, the grief controlling your life right now will always have a hold on you.

Introducing Our Understanding Stillbirth Resources

Discover how you can move through your grief to a life of peace and acceptance.

Our Understanding Stillbirth resources will address the reality of stillbirth with understanding. We will talk about some of the myths you may have heard about stillbirth. We will talk about some of the thoughts you may be having ā€“ even the darkest moments. And by using these resources, you will find things get easier. How? Let me explain.


Our Understanding Stillbirth resources, include videos, factsheets, answers to frequently asked questions and real stories of real parents who have suffered a stillbirth. Our resources are unique because we have taken the time to address this specific type of loss and to support people like you who have experienced it. At Children of Jannah, we see many, many parents who lost a child through stillbirth. Our mission is to help these parents by giving them the support and understanding that they need, in a way that is unique to each and every loss. So we decided to take our expertise and our experience and create a portal of resources for parents just like you.

Lifetime Access

You’ll have Lifetime Access to the Membership portal - meaning you can access the resources whenever and wherever you like.

24/7 Availability

You'll get 24-hour access to the members area, 7 days a week on any device to have the piece of mind you crave.

Training Videos

You’ll get Training Videos on understanding stillbirth so that you can understand what a stillbirth is.

Downloadable Factsheets

You’ll be able to download Factsheets on Understanding stillbirth, available to read at your convenience, in your time.

Real Stories

You can view real stories from real parents who have experienced stillbirth - this can help to break the feeling of isolation you may feeling and that is felt by so many parents.

Private Forum

You’ll have access to a Private Parents Online Group with parents who have suffered a stillbirth. This means you can get support from other parents from around the world in a similar situation to yours.

Exclusive Community

Our exclusive community means you can get support from other parents from around the world in a similar situation to yours.

FAQs Hub

You'll be able to access our ever-increasing hub of FAQs, answered by scholars and specialists in the area of child bereavement.

And youā€™ll receive access to the latest stillbirth resources when they become available - giving you peace of mind that weā€™ve got your back and are here for you in the future to come.

Why are our resources so beneficial? Because we will speak openly to you about what it is like to have suffered a stillbirth, from a place of understanding - you won’t feel that you have to grieve in silence.

We will help you to learn why some of the things you may be feeling or the things that may have been said to you are incorrect. And we will help you understand that you are a parent and that the grief you are feeling is normal, natural and that you can begin one day to have a life again after this tragic loss.

We have helped many, many parents like you who tell us that we have helped them have the strength to carry on each day. Even when that seemed so impossible at the time. Even when each morning, they are hit by the memory of the loss of their child.

I often get asked – “But what if it makes no difference? What if you can’t help me?”  And the truth is, that our resources and support have helped thousands of people. Many parents who have suffered the shock and tragedy of stillbirth like you. And for each of these people who reach out to us, we reach back and we are with them. We can be with you for as long as you need us.
I also get told “I don’t need to read about it, I don’t need to understand it, I know that it happened.” But the reality is that you do need to understand it - understanding your stillbirth is so important in helping you to process what has happened to you and process your grief. Although there may not be medical answers to the tragedy that happened, we can help you to understand the reality of your loss, the way it has affected you and the acceptance of it.
So please, do take advantage of our Understanding Stillbirth resources by clicking the button on this page. This is the chance you need, this is what you have been looking for and that is why you are listening to me today.
If you want to be able to understand what has happened to you, the storm of emotions you are feeling right now and how to process and move through your grief, this is the time to take action.
Our Understanding Stillbirth resources will help you to understand the loss of your child.
They will help you to learn about and share your grief without judgement and begin the journey of processing it, making peace with your grief and taking back control. You will begin to find a way to get through your grief and grow around it.
Remember: this is something you owe to yourself and your child, this is what you need now – and moving forwards
So click the button and take the first important step.




















Discover how you can move through your grief to a life of peace and acceptance.
